
Injector Dynamics ID1300x2

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Injector Dynamics ID1300x2

Product Description > Injector Dynamics ID1300x2

Injector dynamics is our premium brand of injectors, they have a long and bonified name of making the absolute best in injectors in the industry.


The ID1300x² has a minimum fuel mass compatible with gasoline use, and will provide exceptional idle and cruise behavior on both e85 and pump gas. This injector is capable of 150+ hp per cylinder!


We offer OBD2 e36 tune packages for these injectors, or they can be used with any standalone package through us.


Injector Dynamics ID1300x2 Specifications:

Nominal Flow Rate – 1335cc/min @ 3.0 Bar (43.5 psi) Using Iso Octane at 52 Degrees C (125 Degrees F) Maximum Differential Fuel Pressure – 7.0 Bar (101.5 psi) Fuel Compatibility – Compatible With All Known Fuels – (Designed Specifically for Alternative Fuels) Electrical Connector – USCAR


To show you how much we like these injectors, and how sure we are that they will make your build a success we will offer you 100$ off a tune with the purchase of these injectors. Yes it makes our job that much easier when you use hardware this good! Use code: "INJECTORDYNAMICS"


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